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(re)visiting marizy (2017)

Mixed media research project, online

(re)visiting marizy was a collaboration with Emma Pavans de Ceccatty for Remembrance Day For Lost Species. It involved manifestations and explorations into connecting with places, near and far. Below is a selection of work about the Aral Sea, find more at

A Letter to the Aral Sea

Dreaming of the Aral Sea #1


I awake floating in the water.


A fish is pushing at my back. The pushing gets harder and faster, anxious, panicked. I realise that there are more than just one fish. There are hundreds. The algae wraps around me, like a vacuum pack. Oxygen…….squeezed……..out.

The water is drying. I feel unsupported as I sink to the ground. I feel dizzy. I fall asleep. I awake and my lips are cracked. I touch my body and it is crisp. I lick my lips.



What year is this now?


How long was the evaporation process?

The toxins and dust are the only thing left to feed me now.​

Ghost Factory: Aral Sea

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